Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Rose by Any Other Name...

...would smell as sweet.

I know I'm a little late on the bandwagon in talking about this product but MAC's MSF in Stereo Rose is back in the news again now that spring is back. A much coveted product, Stereo Rose not only looks beautiful in the pan, but it also gives a beautiful pink glow. Because of my darker skin tone (NC 45), I can only really use it as a light blush or as a subtle rosy cheekbone highlight.

When I first bought it though, I thought it looked quite similar to something I already owned. And lo and behold! The Body Shop's Blush Trio in Warm Sunset:

Pretty darn close, right? Especially the lightest colour! Here's a pic with the two side by side, as well as some swatches:

Unfortunately, both products were limited edition, however, BS's Warm Sunset is probably the lesser of the two evils when it comes to price. Had I known that they were so similar, I probably would have bought Petticoat instead of Stereo Rose! However, I do have to say though that Stereo Rose is much more finely milled.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha love the title =P

    The body shop one looks so nice! Kinda reminds me of benefit's coralista but more coraly
